P-ISSN: 3046-692X
E-ISSN: 3046-6911
Multidiscience adheres to a double-blind peer review policy to maintain the highest publication quality level. All research articles published in the Multidiscience undergo a rigorous peer review procedure, which consists of the following fundamental components:
Peer review of referred papers:
Based on the reviews and editorial insights from the Reviewers, the Multidiscience editors will promptly determine whether to accept, reject, or seek adjustments to submitted manuscripts. Moreover, Editors have the option to seek additional evaluations as necessary. The authors will be notified when the Editors determine that additional review is necessary. The editor will evaluate submitted articles based on the topic and writing style described in the journal guidelines. To maintain academic quality requirements, all articles undergo double-blind peer review, in which the reviewer and author identities are concealed from each other during the review process. In brief, these are the steps:
The peer-reviewing process is divided into rounds, with stages 1 through 5 considered the first round. The editor or editorial board weighs the suggestions made by the peer reviewers before arriving at the final decision. The most common decisions are the following:
P-ISSN: 3046-692X
E-ISSN: 3046-6911
Strata International Journal of Social Issues
This work is licensed under a Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published by CV. Strata Persada Academia
Dusun 03, Rt. 022, Rw. 007, Desa Lemahabang Kulon, Kec. Lemahabang, Kab. Cirebon