About the Journal

Journal Name Strata International Journal of Social Issues
Journal Initial SIJoSI
Frequencies Biannually
DOI 10.59631/sijosi
E-ISSN | P-ISSN 3046-7039 | 3046-7047
Editor-in-Chief Zaid, M.H
Publisher CV. Strata Persada Academia
Focus and Scope Multidisciplinary on social science

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Strata International Journal of Social Issues (SIJoSI) is a peer-reviewed journal published twice yearly (February and August) by CV. Strata Persada Academia. This journal uses an Open Journal System and provides a digital object identifier (DOI) to make the journal more accessible to all readers.

SIJoSI publishes scientific articles related to all fields of Social science, including, but not limited to, such topics as education, law, language, psychology, economics, business and management, Accounting, politics, international affairs, etc. To ensure the quality of article publication, SIJoSI has recruited nationally and internationally known reviewers and editors, SIJoSI has recruited nationally and internationally known reviewers and editors.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): August
Published: 2024-05-18


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